I created a install script for ODOO on a brand new Ubuntu 14.04 server. This script can be used for installing 9.0 and master branches of the ODOO server.

The script can be found on github:


You can use the script on a server with the following commands:

[pastacode lang=”bash” message=”Installation Steps” highlight=”” provider=”manual”]

sudo apt-get install wget
sudo wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/aschenkels-ictstudio/odoo-install-scripts/695fa66025765da19dabdaf801a38d295eab171c/ubuntu-14-04/odoo_install.sh
sudo sh odoo_install.sh


Show script from Github:

[pastacode lang=”bash” user=”aschenkels-ictstudio” repos=”odoo-install-scripts” path_id=”ubuntu-14-04/odoo_install.sh” revision=”695fa66025765da19dabdaf801a38d295eab171c” highlight=”” lines=”” provider=”github”/]

In the script there are some parameters you can set at this time: Versions

OE_VERSION: choose the ODOO version you want to install 9.0 or master (trunk)

General OpenERP Settings

OE_USER: the user the odoo deamon uses
OE_HOME: the folder where the odoo-server resides
OE_CONFIG: the name of the config file

If you want to use the script copy the file to the server or paste the contents in a odoo_install.sh file.

Make the file executable

chmod +x odoo_install.sh

and start with


If you have run the script you should have a working ODOO server wich is available at: http://ipadress-server:8069

The server will auto start on reboot and you can start en stop the OpenERP server with service odoo-server start or service odoo-server stop or service odoo-server restart.